Understanding Ohm's Law Wheel: A Simplified Guide

a man thinking how to calculate electrical current

Electrical theory can be a daunting subject for many, but understanding the basics is crucial for anyone working with electricity. It describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. 

To help visualize this relationship, many use the "Ohm's Law Wheel". Its a circular diagram that shows the different equations and how they relate to each other.

What is Ohms Law?

The law owes its name to German physicist Georg Simon Ohm. In 1827, he published his groundbreaking paper outlining his experimental findings. Despite facing initial skepticism, his meticulous research established a crucial link between three crucial electrical parameters. His work paved the way for the development of electrical engineering as a scientific discipline.

Ohm's law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering. It describes the relationship between voltage, current, power, and resistance in an electric circuit. It states that the voltage (V) across a conductor is directly proportional to the current (I) flowing through it, provided that the resistance (R) of the conductor remains constant. 

The Ohm's Law Wheel

To simplify understanding and application of Ohm's law, engineers and educators often utilize the Ohm's law wheel. This visual tool depicts the interconnectedness of voltage, current, resistance, and power through four quadrants. Each quadrant is dedicated to a specific variable.

Here's a breakdown of the four-quadrant Ohm's law wheel:

ohms law wheel by electrician denver

How to Use the Ohm's Law Wheel

Using the Ohm's law wheel is all about understanding the relationships between voltage, current, resistance, and power. It is represented by the four quadrants and applying the relevant formulas within each quadrant. Here's a step-by-step guide with examples.

You need to find the current (I) in a circuit with a voltage (V) of 12 volts and a resistance (R) of 4 ohms.

  1. Identify the variable you want to find: This is your target variable, in this case, you want to find the current (I).

  2. Locate the quadrant for your target variable: Each quadrant on the wheel is dedicated to one variable. Find the quadrant labeled with your target variable (I).

  3. Choose the known variables: You must know two other variables from the remaining three. Based on the example, you have a voltage of 12 volts and resistance of 4 ohms.

  4. Match the known variables to the formulas: Within the target quadrant (I), you'll see two formulas. Each formula contains two variables, one variable is your target variable (I). Meanwhile, the other is one of the known variables you identified in step 3. 

  5. Apply the formula: Based on the formula you chose in step 4, identify the arrangement of the known variables. Then, perform the necessary calculation to solve for your target variable (I).

Quadrant: Current (I)

Chosen formula: I = V/R (matches V and R)

Calculation: I = 12 V / 4 ohms = 3 amperes

The Importance of Understanding Ohm's Law

Understanding this Law is crucial for anyone working with electricity. It allows you to calculate the values of voltage, current, power, and resistance in a circuit. This is essential for troubleshooting and designing circuits. Its a helpful tool for visualizing the relationships between these variables and can make solving equations easier.


In conclusion, the Ohms Law Wheel is a useful tool for understanding the relationships between voltage, current, power, and resistance in an electrical circuit. By using this wheel, you can easily solve equations and gain a better understanding of Ohm's Law. So next time you are working with electricity, remember to refer to the Ohm's Law Wheel to help you out.


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