how much does it cost to install a commercial ev charging station

ev charging station install cost

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as more people look for environmentally friendly transportation options. As a result, businesses and commercial properties are starting to install EV charging stations to accommodate this growing market. But how much does it cost to install a commercial EV charging station? In this article, we'll break down the costs and factors to consider when installing a commercial EV charging station.

Understanding the Cost Breakdown

Before we dive into the specifics, let's take a look at the general cost breakdown for installing a commercial EV charging station. The total cost can be broken down into three main categories: equipment, installation, and ongoing maintenance.

Equipment Costs

The equipment costs for a commercial EV charging station can vary depending on the type of charger you choose. The two main types of chargers are Level 2 and DC fast chargers. Level 2 chargers are slower and typically used for overnight charging, while DC fast chargers are much faster and used for quick charging on the go.

On average, a Level 2 charger can cost anywhere from $500 to $2,000, while a DC fast charger can cost between $10,000 to $40,000. The cost will also depend on the brand, features, and power output of the charger.

Installation Costs

The installation costs for a commercial EV charging station can also vary depending on the location and existing infrastructure. If the location already has electrical wiring and infrastructure in place, the installation costs will be lower. However, if significant electrical work is needed, the installation costs can increase significantly.

On average, installation costs can range from $1,000 to $10,000. This includes the cost of labor, permits, and any necessary upgrades to the electrical system.

Ongoing Maintenance Costs

Once the commercial EV charging station is installed, there will be ongoing maintenance costs to consider. This includes the cost of electricity, any necessary repairs or replacements, and any fees associated with using a charging network.

The cost of electricity will depend on the location and the cost of electricity in that area. On average, it can cost between $0.10 to $0.30 per kWh. Repairs and replacements will vary depending on the type of charger and any warranties or maintenance plans in place. And if you choose to use a charging network, there may be additional fees associated with that.

Factors Affecting the Cost

Now that we have a general understanding of the cost breakdown, let's take a look at the factors that can affect the cost of installing a commercial EV charging station.


The location of the charging station can have a significant impact on the cost. If the location already has electrical infrastructure in place, the installation costs will be lower. However, if significant electrical work is needed, the costs can increase.

Additionally, the location can also affect the ongoing maintenance costs. If the cost of electricity is higher in that area, the ongoing maintenance costs will also be higher.

Type of Charger

As mentioned earlier, the type of charger you choose can also affect the cost. Level 2 chargers are generally less expensive than DC fast chargers, but they also take longer to charge a vehicle. The type of charger you choose will depend on the needs of your customers and the type of business you have.

Number of Chargers

The number of chargers you install will also affect the cost. The more chargers you have, the higher the equipment and installation costs will be. However, having more chargers can also attract more customers and generate more revenue.

Additional Features

Some chargers come with additional features that can affect the cost. For example, some chargers may have a built-in payment system, while others may have a screen for advertising. These additional features can increase the cost of the charger, but they can also provide added convenience and potential revenue streams.

Real-World Examples

To get a better understanding of the cost of installing a commercial EV charging station, let's take a look at some real-world examples.

Example 1: Small Business

A small business with a single location decides to install a Level 2 charger for their customers. The cost breakdown for this installation is as follows:

  • Equipment: $1,000

  • Installation: $2,000

  • Ongoing Maintenance: $500 per year (electricity and minor repairs)

Total Cost: $3,500 for the first year, $500 for each subsequent year.

Example 2: Large Corporation

A large corporation with multiple locations across the country decides to install DC fast chargers at each location. The cost breakdown for this installation is as follows:

  • Equipment: $30,000 per charger (x10 chargers)

  • Installation: $5,000 per charger (x10 chargers)

  • Ongoing Maintenance: $5,000 per year (electricity and minor repairs)

Total Cost: $350,000 for the first year, $50,000 for each subsequent year.

Incentives and Rebates

To encourage the adoption of EVs and the installation of charging stations, there are various incentives and rebates available. These can significantly reduce the cost of installing a commercial EV charging station.

Federal Tax Credits

The federal government offers a tax credit of up to 30% of the cost of purchasing and installing a charging station, with a maximum credit of $30,000. This credit is available for both businesses and individuals.

State and Local Incentives

Many states and local governments also offer incentives and rebates for installing EV charging stations. These can include tax credits, grants, and rebates for the cost of equipment and installation.

Utility Company Programs

Some utility companies offer programs and incentives for installing EV charging stations. These can include rebates for the cost of equipment and installation, as well as special electricity rates for charging EVs.


The cost of installing a commercial EV charging station can vary depending on various factors, including the type of charger, location, and number of chargers. However, with the availability of incentives and rebates, the cost can be significantly reduced. As more businesses and commercial properties install EV charging stations, the cost is expected to decrease even further. By considering the factors and incentives mentioned in this article, you can determine the cost of installing a commercial EV charging station for your business.


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